Community Planning Partnership

Community Planning is a way of working that places the service users at the heart of better service delivery as public sector partners, the voluntary sector and the private sector work together more effectively and efficiently. It is a development process aimed at influencing how mainstream resources are used for joined up service delivery and improved outcomes for the whole community. The essence of Community Planning is: “Partnership working between public agencies, the voluntary sector, the community, and businesses across an area, with a shared vision which is used to identify priorities to enhance service delivery for the sustained benefit and wellbeing of the community”. The Inverclyde Alliance is the Community Planning Partnership for Inverclyde. 

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The Inverclyde Alliance Board is a partnership involving Community Councils; NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde; Greenock Chamber of Commerce; Greenock and District Trades Council; Inverclyde Council; Job Centre Plus; Scottish Enterprise; Skills Development Scotland; Scottish Fire and Rescue; Strathclyde Partnership for Transport Police Scotland; Voluntary Sector representation facilitated by CVS Inverclyde; West College Scotland.  The Inverclyde Alliance Board is chaired by the Leader of Inverclyde Council.

You can access the Partnership Plan 2023/33 by clicking on the link that is provided above. This Plan sets out the vision and outcomes which all Community Planning Partners in Inverclyde are aiming to deliver. The Inverclyde Outcome Improvement Plan Annual Report 2021/22, which sets out performance in the previous year has also been published and is also available to download.  

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