Health and Wellbeing

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Curriculum for Excellence has at its heart the aspiration that all children and young people should be successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. Inverclyde supports the development of the Curriculum for Excellence Health & Wellbeing outcomes in all education establishments and the wider community.

Principles and Practice

“Learning through health and wellbeing promotes confidence, independent thinking and positive attitudes and dispositions. Because of this, it is the responsibility of every teacher to contribute to learning and development in this area.”

'Building the Curriculum 1'

The Scottish Government, HM Inspectorate of Education, Scottish Qualifications Authority and Learning Teaching Scotland have published support documents to aid establishments and practitioners to develop their work with the statements of experiences and outcomes for health and wellbeing across learning. These are highlighted below

  • Principles and practices Health and Wellbeing across learning: responsibilities of all. (see under External links on this page)
  • Principles and practice health and wellbeing. (see under External links on this page)

Inverclyde Council endorses these key principles and practices outlined in these documents to support the development and delivery of the health and wellbeing outcomes and experiences within all establishments and across learning communities.

These documents identify the following:

  • What are the main purposes of learning in health and wellbeing?
  • What are practitioners’ roles and responsibilities for health and wellbeing?
  • How is the ‘health and wellbeing across learning’ framework structured?
  • Health and wellbeing across learning: the responsibility of all practitioners
  • Partnership working
  • Personal support for children and young people
  • What factors need to be taken into account in planning for health and wellbeing?
  • What are features of effective learning and teaching in health and wellbeing?
  • How can I make connections within and beyond health and wellbeing?

Experiences and Outcomes

The experiences and outcomes are an essential component of the curriculum and apply wherever learning is planned. They signpost progression in learning and set challenging standards that will equip young people to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Further information on the experience and outcomes for health and wellbeing can be found in:

  • Health and Wellbeing across Learning: Responsibilities of All experiences and outcomes (see under External links on this page)
  • Health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes (see under External links on this page)

Within these documents, aspects of these organisers which are the responsibility of all adults who are working together to support the learning and development of children and young people, are identified through the use of italics.

In early year establishments, Primary, Secondary and Special Schools these organisers may be delivered through interdisciplinary studies, as Health topics or as part of the personal social education curriculum.
Inverclyde Council endorses the experiences and outcomes to support the development and delivery of health and wellbeing within all establishments.

Inverclyde Council encourages every establishment, working with partners, to take a holistic approach to promoting health and wellbeing and one that takes account of the stage of growth, development and maturity of each individual, and the social and community context.

Furthermore endorsing the expectations that the learning environment supports children and young people to:

  • meet challenges, manage change and build relationships
  • experience personal achievement and build resilience and confidence
  • understand and develop physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing and social skills
  • understand how and what they eat, how active they are and how decisions they make about their behaviour and relationships affect their physical and mental wellbeing
  • participate in a wide range of activities which promote a healthy lifestyle
  • understand that adults in their school community have a responsibility to look after them, listen to their concerns and involve others where necessary
  • learn about where to find help and resources to inform choices
  • assess and manage risk and understand the impact of risk-taking behaviour
  • reflect on their strengths and skills to help them make informed choices when planning their next steps
  • acknowledge diversity and understand that it is everyone’s responsibility to challenge discrimination.
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