Disabled Parking Bays

Parking Disabled Badge Holders Only Sign

Disabled bays are provided for the use of vehicles in which a valid disabled person's blue badge holder is travelling.

The length of stay and the return time may be limited. Please check the sign associated with the Disabled bay.

The Blue Badge must be displayed at all times when the vehicle is parked in the Disabled bay.

Disabled Persons’ Blue Badges

Disabled Persons’ Blue Badges are issued to either a disabled driver or a disabled passenger. They can only be used when the vehicle is being used to transport the disabled person. It is not permitted to use the Badge for any other purpose, e.g. shopping for the disabled person when they, themselves, are not being transported in the vehicle.

If a parking attendant observes that a Blue Badge is being used by someone other than the actual badge holder, a fine will be issued for the appropriate offence, for example, parking without a valid ticket or parking on double yellow lines.

Badges must be displayed on top of the dashboard or facia panel of a vehicle.
Any vehicle found to be parked with an invalid Blue Badge on display will be issued with a fine for the appropriate parking offence.

Where a blue badge can be used

Vehicles displaying a valid Blue Badge may be parked free of charge or time restriction within any off-street pay & display car park.  Blue Badge holders are limited to a 3 hour limit in Cathcart Street West Car Park, Greenock and Princes Street Car Park, Port Glasgow.

Vehicles displaying a valid Blue Badge whilst parked within an on-street limited waiting parking space are exempt from the time restrictions which apply unless the associated sign indicates otherwise. 

There are time restrictions which apply to certain on-street disabled bays. Please check signs for any waiting restrictions in Disabled Bays.

Blue Badge holders may park on single or double yellow lines in Scotland without any time limit, provided there is no loading ban in force at the time and you are not causing an obstruction. (see below for restrictions).

Where a blue badge cannot be used

Vehicles displaying a valid blue badge cannot park in any of the following areas

  • Locations covered by a loading restriction during the period of the restriction
  • Where there are double white lines in the centre of the road even if one of the lines is broken
  • In a bus lane during its hours of operation
  • In a bus stop with clearway markings during times of operations
  • In a cycle lane covered by a relevant order
  • On Zebra, Pelican or Toucan crossings or their associated zigzag markings
  • In areas reserved for specific users e.g. loading bays or taxi ranks
  • In a suspended parking bay
  • Where temporary restrictions apply along the length of a road
  • On school keep clear markings covered by a relevant traffic order
  • Locations regarded as likely to cause an obstruction such as:-
  • At school entrances, bus stops, on a bend or near the brow of a hill or hump bridges
  • Where it would make it difficult for others to see clearly e.g. close to a junction
  • Where it would make the road narrow e.g. by a traffic island or where roadworks are in progress
  • Where it would hold up traffic e.g. narrow stretches of road or blocking vehicle entrances
  • Where emergency vehicles stop or go in and out e.g. fire station entrance
  • Where the kerb has been lowered to form a pedestrian crossing point or driveway
  • On a footway unless signs permit

Applying for a blue badge

You can apply for a blue badge via the related link on this page.

Disabled Person's Parking Bay

If you are a blue badge holder you may qualify for disabled bay road markings outside your home.

To obtain a Disabled Person's Parking Bay the applicant must satisfy all of the following criteria:

  • Have a valid Disabled Person's Badge (the "Blue Badge")
  • Have a Permanent medical condition which affects mobility
  • Either be the driver of a private vehicle or be assisted by a carer who is the driver of a private vehicle, provided that the carer lives at the address stated

The vehicle must be kept at the address stated in the application form.

There is normally difficulty in obtaining a parking space on the Public Road.

It is not possible to construct a driveway or other hardstanding area adjacent to the property.

Please note that the Bay is not allocated to a specific person and may be used by anyone who has a Disabled Persons Badge.

You can access an application form via the link on this page titled, “Application for Disabled Parking Bay”.

Completed forms accompanied by a copy of both sides of the Blue Badge and the front page of the Vehicle Registration Document V5C which shows the address should be returned to:

Roads & Transportation
Vehicle Maintenance Facility, 8 Pottery Street, Greenock, PA15 2UH

Or e-mail roads@inverclyde.gov.uk

If you require further information please contact:

Inverclyde Centre for Independent Living
10-16 Gibshill Road, Greenock PA15 2UP Phone: 01475 714350