Equality Impact Assessments - Inverclyde Council Budget 2024/26

You can find details of the Equality Impact Assessments relating to Inverclyde Council's Revenue Budget 2024/26 on this page.


Chief Executive; Legal, Democratic, Digital and Customer Services

Reduction in the Customer Services Centre opening hours


Environment, Regeneration and Resources Directorate

Cease the CCTV service

Cease the Community Warden service

Closure of the Gourock Civic Amenity Site

Grounds seasonal - delete the seasonal grounds budget within the grounds service

Grounds - reduction of 23% of the core grounds staff

Reduction in the employability budget


Education, Communities and Organisational Development Directorate

Amend admissions policy - children start nursery term after their 3rd birthday

Cessation of the Home Link Worker service in schools

Reduction in grants available to community organisations by a further 65%

Reduce cleaning in all educational establishments

Removal of Primary 4 swimming lessons

Increase in the early years transport saving

Reduction in instrumental music instruction

Reduction in the library timetable - 25% reduction in branch library opening hours

Removal of the administrative post which currently supports Auchmountain Halls and the Clune Park and South West Community Hubs


The Equality Impact Assessments are available to view by clicking on the links in the Documents section of this page.


The Inverclyde Council Revenue Budget 2024/26  - Equalities Assessment; the Inverclyde Council Revenue Budget 2024/26 - Fairer Scotland Duty Statement; and the Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment are also available to view by clicking in the Documents section of this page.


Inverclyde Council Revenue Budget 2024/26

The Council's Revenue Budget 2024/26 was discussed at a meeting of Inverclyde Council on 29 February 2024.  You can find the papers for this meeting by clicking in the Related Links section of this page.