Inverclyde Carer & Young Carer Strategy 2017-2022
We are pleased to present The Inverclyde Carer & Young Carer Strategy 2017 -2022 which has been developed in full recognition of the role and contribution carers make, not only to the person they support but also the contribution they make to the Inverclyde Community. Our support and appreciation for carers and young carers in Inverclyde is fundamental to ensuring that those in need of care receive it when required. This ethos we believe should filter right to the heart of our community.
Carers and young carers come from all walks of life and every area of Inverclyde they often face greater challenges in accessing services and life opportunities than many of us. This is why, as with previous strategies it is important to note the full range of partners who have a role in supporting carers. Inverclyde Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are lead agencies through the Integration Joint Board of the Health and Social Care Partnership.
Support for carers and young carers is not restricted to health and social care though these are often of vital importance but covers education, housing, community activities, social and recreational and employment. Inverclyde Health & Social Care Partnership (HSCP) recognise carers and young carers as equal partners in the delivery of care and their role in supporting loved ones. Services are often reliant on the partnerships that exist between individuals, services and carers to ensure that the best possible outcomes are achieved for both the carer, young carer and cared for person to live fulfilling lives.
The consultation exercises carried out between September and October 2015 with carers, focus groups, advocacy and carer network meeting responses highlighted areas of good practice and services which carers benefited from. While identifying service areas that we need to continue to work on and prioritise to enable all carers to continue in their caring role and having fulfilling lives out with this role. The recent consultation in October and November 2016 confirmed that the strategy has been successful in reflecting the key areas and priorities for improvement identified by carers and young carers. This strategy will be a working document used to prioritise and deliver the outcomes which carers have identified as being important and necessary for them to continue in their caring role.
The strategy will be reviewed every two years. For further information or copies of the strategy in a different format please contact: Inverclyde Carers Centre on 01475 735180. The strategy can also be downloaded from the documents section on this page.
We extend our thanks and admiration to all our carers. We are confident that through this strategy we will continue to bring improvements to the health and wellbeing of all carers and young carers living and caring in Inverclyde.