New Inverclyde Business Growth Programme supports local business leaders
Inverclyde Council has successfully delivered a new and intensive business support programme, specifically for thirteen established small and medium sized companies in the Inverclyde area. This activity was funded by the UK Government Shared Prosperity Fund, and run on behalf of Inverclyde Council, by Inspirent – a leading not-for-profit business consultancy.
The motivation behind Inverclyde Council’s programme was to help grow the local economy, create jobs and support the community, all as part of the local Economic Regeneration Strategy.
Thirteen Inverclyde business leaders of established companies took part in the programme which lasted 8 weeks and finished at the end of March 2024. The support consisted of themed workshops led by expert consultants. This was then followed by individual one-to-one sessions with each business owner and consultant, to help them apply the learnings into their own business.
Themes covered in the programme included: Innovation, Strategy, Marketing and Net Zero/Sustainability. The content was designed to accelerate the growth of these local companies, by helping to create new opportunities, increase efficiency, and offer support in making disciplined business decisions for sustainability. The businesses who participated covered a wide range of industry sector from construction and childcare, to manufacturing and retail.
One of the business leaders who participated in the programme was James McFarlane - Partner at Whyte & Christie. This fast-growing company is based in Greenock and provides Joinery, Shopfitting and Building Maintenance services, primarily delivering commercial contracts both within Inverclyde and across Scotland.
Being a busy business owner and managing a team of 6 people with his business partner, James had initial doubts about the time commitment involved in being part of the programme. However, after starting, James quickly recognised the value in learning from the various expert consultants and from discussing business challenges with the other like-minded business leaders.
James McFarlane from Whyte & Christie said: “Joining the Inverclyde Business Growth Programme was a really positive experience for me. I made a conscious effort to voice my own opinions during the programme as was keen to play my part in contributing to a positive entrepreneurial environment, where everyone learned and gained value from each other.
“Listening to other business owners share their own challenges and approaches was invaluable and helped me to weigh-up the various concepts we covered, and how this could apply to our own business. I’ve benefited from this support in many ways and in particular the marketing element. I can now share these learnings within our team at Whyte & Christie, to benefit the whole company. It’s certainly reassuring to know that my Business Partner and I are not the only people in the boat, with the challenges of growing a successful and sustainable business."
Councillor Michael McCormick, Inverclyde Council’s convener of environment and regeneration, said: “The Inverclyde Business Growth Programme was a new venture for the area and was created to provide intensive support for busy business leaders.
“Active discussion was important within the workshops to stimulate challenge and learning, as was the guidance and advice which was tailored for each participant for the one-to-one sessions.
“There are many challenges in running a sustainable business and this support has helped some of our local companies in taking the next step to develop their business which, in turn, supports local jobs and helps to grow the local economy.”
Liz McCutcheon, CEO of Inspirent, added: “We’re delighted to have been involved in delivering this programme on behalf of Inverclyde Council. Given the contribution that small and medium sized businesses make to the local economy of Inverclyde, programmes like these are hugely important.
“As a non-profit organisation, we are committed to delivering support that will make a real difference to the businesses and leaders we work with, because we know that when businesses thrive, communities thrive.”