Proposed Local Development Plan - 2021

On 17 May 2021, Inverclyde Council published its Proposed Local Development Plan. The consultation period ran until 9 July 2021 and is now closed. The representation received are being considered and will be reported to a meeting of the Council’s Environment and Regeneration Committee in due course. If the representations raise any issues that cannot be resolved the Proposed Plan and the relevant representations will be submitted to the Scottish Ministers for Examination.
The Proposed Plan, and its accompanying proposals maps, can be viewed or downloaded via the links on this page. A number of supplementary guidance, background and supporting documents were published alongside the Proposed Plan and are also available to view or download from this page:
- Draft Supplementary Guidance on Affordable Housing in the Inverclyde Villages
- Draft Supplementary Guidance on Enabling Development
- Draft Supplementary Guidance on Energy
- Draft Supplementary Guidance on Planning Application Advice Notes
- Draft Supplementary Guidance on Priority Places
- Proposed Action Programme
- Strategic Environmental Assessment – Environmental Report
- Habitat Regulations Appraisal
- Equalities Impact and Fairer Scotland Duties Assessment
- Proposed Development Site Assessment
- Housing Land Technical Report 2021
Documents related to the Main Issues Report stage of Plan preparation can be found on the Local Development Plan archive page.