Employability & Skills
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Inverclyde Council fully recognises the potential of a strong and adaptive workforce in building a successful and thriving, local economy. Recognising that the economy can endure constant and rapid periods of flux, Inverclyde Council is committed to developing a culture of life-long learning and actively encourages local residents to embrace market change by gaining new skills and qualifications. This is vitally important in the case of Inverclyde’s unemployed population; many of whom are considered long-term unemployed and may find it hard to re-access the labour market.
Proactively seeking to assist local jobless residents back into work, Inverclyde Council seeks to create a balance between employer demands and labour supply. As such the Regeneration and Planning Service manages a varied range of projects designed to address the various barriers to employment that an individual might face.
Please direct all enquiries to: employabilityandskills@inverclyde.gov.uk
The employability provision shown on this page is financed by Inverclyde Council and may also be supported by UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and/or Scottish Government No One Left Behind (NOLB) funding.