
This site allows you to create, sign and receive email updates on petitions.

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Petitions Petitions

Current petitions

Cloch Road Parking

Gourock Community Council are calling for action by Inverclyde Council to address ongoing parking issues for residents living in the stretch of Cloch Road (68-88) beyond McInroy’s Point – and as re...

Sponsor: Ms Geraldine Harron (Secretary)

Starts: 14/06/24

Ends: 13/12/24

Days left: 52

Current signature count: 50

Port Glasgow Anniversary 2025

This is a petition to ask the full council to recognise the up coming 250th anniversary of Port Glasgow becoming a Burgh in 1775. To ask the full council to agree that this is an important milest...

Sponsor: Mr Kevin Green

Starts: 01/05/24

Ends: 31/10/24

Days left: 9

Current signature count: 25

Petitions with upcoming meetings

There are currently no petitions to display in this section.

Past petitions

B7054 Excessive Traffic Speed Deterrant

This is a petition calling for further traffic calming measures to be undertaken to address the speed of traffic on the B7054. The main areas of concern are two pedestrian crossings/traffic lights ...

Sponsor: Mr Jim Logue

Starts: 17/08/20

Ends: 16/11/20

Current signature count: 22

Inverclyde Leisure Indoor Bowling Club Upgrade

Inverclyde Leisure Indoor Bowling Club requires new lights/lighting and carpet. This can only be achieved by Inverclyde Leisure being afforded a long term lease to allow capitalisation of the asset...


Starts: 10/10/17

Ends: 15/01/18

Current signature count: 286


The petition was heard at and supported by the Petitions Committee at the meeting of 1 February 2018, the reports to and minutes of which can be seen by following this link.

Officers from Safer and Inclusive Communities will now bring a report to a future meeting of the Education and Communities Committee with proposals on the matter.


Residents Parking - Port Glasgow Town Centre

Petition to allow residents to park in town centre (King Street / Church Street etc.) similar to the Greenock residents parking already in place i.e. allowing us to park with no restrictions in 30 ...

Sponsor: Miss Eileen Catterson

Starts: 28/09/17

Ends: 27/12/17

Current signature count: 103


The petition was heard at and supported by the Petitions Committee at the meeting of 1 February 2018, the reports to and minutes of which can be seen by following this link.

Officers from Environmental and Commercial Services will now carry out the neccesary surveys and anlysis to bring a report to a future meeting of the Environment and Regeneraion Committee with proposals on the matter.

Access to AstroTurf Pitches

We demand the creation fo crawl-spaces and opening of Inverclyde Academy AstroTurf Pitches to local youndsters on a 24/7 basis immediately or the creation of a suitable 3G AstroTurf pitch within th...

Sponsor: J. B. Houston

Starts: 07/04/17

Ends: 07/04/17

Current signature count: 593


This petition was considered at the 15/6/17 meeting of the Peititions Committee and supported. It was remitted to the 5/9/17 meeting of the Education and Commuinities Committe, following which the installation of crawl spaces to allow access to one of the pitches at Inverclyde Acadamy was approved on for a 1 year trial period.

Rejected petitions

Livestream/WebCam Council Meetings

Following a canvas poll of Inverclyde Members of the public and in response to the Councils goal of transparency, I propose that Inverclyde Council follows the models set by Bury Council & othe...

Sponsor: Mr JB Houston

Rejected Reason:

Decisions of the Council or one of its Committees during the previous six month period;

Review the Sale and Use of Fireworks in Inverclyde.

Please join me in asking Inverclyde Council to ban the sale and use of fireworks which emit up to 120dB. (A rock band measures less at 110 decibels!) From late October until Bonfire night, there a...

Sponsor: Ms Kendal Paterson

Rejected Reason:

Subject matter of the petition is not within the Council’s power and remit or functional areas of responsibility

Replace single use plastics with sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives

The Inverclyde environment is awash with single use plastics, bottles, fast food containers, polystyrene cups, plastic forks, carrier bags, the list goes on and is endless. The damage caused is no...

Sponsor: Mr Stephen Henry

Rejected Reason:

Subject matter of the petition is not within the Council’s power and remit or functional areas of responsibility

Scan cats collected by the waste team & notify owners

Unfortunately, Inverclyde are now just 1 of 4 councils in Scotland who do not currently scan cats collected by the waste teams. When a cat is tragically involved in a road accident, a driver is no...

Sponsor: Miss Cats Matter

Rejected Reason:

Following discussion with the relevant Council Services, the organiser of the petition has confirmed that they are satisfied that the procedures the Coucnil has in place or is putting in place meet the request contained in the petition. 

More provision in Inverclyde for new Bungalows housing in Inverclyde

I believe there is a local shortage affordable of single level 1-3 bedroom bungalows availability in the area which are much desired by first time buyers and particularly retired where stairs acces...

Sponsor: Mr Brian Stewart

Rejected Reason:

Firstly - the Petitions Committee cannot consider planning.


Secondly - beyond the planning element, your petition as drafted is beyone the Council's remit and areas of functional responsibility. Officers in Safer and Inclusive Communities do have ongoing dialogue with Registerd Social Landlords, both on housing need and planned housing provision, but the detail called for in your petition is beyond the scope of that dialogue. Should you wish to discuss this role further, please contact the petitions team, who will obtain the neccessary point of contact within the service for you.

Save Little Larkies

Lets save the toddlers group in the Larkfield Community hall as it is vital for our area

Sponsor: Mr Frank Smith

Rejected Reason:

Decisions of the Council or one of its Committees during the previous six month period;

Estate safety fences

I hope this letter finds you well. I am currently a resident in Bournemouth Road, Gourock and am writing to express my deep concern regarding recent spates of vandalism in our neighbourhood, specif...

Sponsor: Mr Gary Mclean

Rejected Reason:

Subject matter of the petition in current form is not wholly within the Council’s power and remit or functional areas of responsibility